Research Interests
- Eco-Hydrological Forecasting with Land Surface Models (LSMs) and Machine Learning
- Land Data Assimilation with the Satellite Remote Sensing
- Land-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
- Extreme Hydroclimate Events including Flood and Drought
- Sustainable Water Resources Management
- 지면모형 및 기계학습 기반 수문 예측
- 위성자료 및 모형 융합을 통한 예측
- 지면-생태-대기 상호작용 규명 및 이해 (물, 에너지, 탄소 순환)
- 홍수, 가뭄 등 극한 수문기후 사상
- 기후변화 적응 및 지속가능 수자원 관리
Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
Research Projects
- (PI) Global and regional water model integrating Al and physics for future water resources risk management, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) , 2024-2029 [미래 수자원 리스크 대응을 위한 AI-물리 융합 기반 글로벌 및 지역 물 모델 기술 개발]
- (Participant) Autonomous evolutionary AI-based smart sensing platform for early detection and proactive response to levee failures, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2024-2028 [자율 진화형 인공지능 기반 제방 붕괴 조기 감지 및 선제적 대응 스마트 센싱 플랫폼 개발, 한국연구재단]
- (Co-PI) Developing a severity-based emergency response protocol for water shortage using linked operations of water supply facilities, Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) / Ministry of Environment , 2023-2026 [수자원 시설 연계운영 기반의 물 부족 규모별 비상대응 체계 구축, 한국환경산업기술원]
- (Co-PI) Development of technology for optimal flood response and effect analysis reflecting watershed characteristics, Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) / Ministry of Environment , 2023-2026 [유역 특성을 반영한 홍수 대응 최적화 기술 및 효과분석 기술 개발, 한국환경산업기술원]
- (Participant) Estimation of carbon budget in wetland ecosystems, Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) / Ministry of Environment , 2022–2026 [습지생태계 탄소수지 정량화 기술 개발, 한국환경산업기술원]
- (PI) LSM-based seasonal forecasting skills of water/carbon cycles, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2022–2024 [지면모형 기반 물/탄소 순환 계절 예측 기술 평가 및 개발, 한국연구재단]
- (PI) Fire prediction and impact assessment in Alaska with the integrated AI and process-based model , Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), 2022–2024 [인공지능과 과정기반 지면생태모형 융합을 통한 알래스카 화재 전망 및 영향 고찰, 극지연구소]
- (PI) Improving the ecohydrological drought prediction and predicting drought impacts with using the machine learning and the land surface models over the Korean Peninsula and Asia, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2020–2024
- (PI) Future change of ecohydrological droughts based on statistical downscaling and multiple land surface models, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2021-2023
- (PI) Assessing the carbon-water-energy impacts of urban green infrastructure to mitigate climate risk for carbon neutral, Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2021–2022
- (PI) Drought predictions with combining machine learning and process-based model, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2018–2020
- (PI) Bottom-up model and data for climate change adaptation and mitigation in water, forest and ecosystem sectors, Korea Environment Institute (KEI) / Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) / Ministry of Environment, 2018–2020
- (PI) Understanding the arctic shrub expansion with the Ecosystem Demography Model, Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), 2017–2019
- (Participant) Earth system modelling for the pan-arctic regions, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2017–2020
- (PI) Eco-hydrologic data assimilation and streamflow drought assessment in Korea,National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), 2015–2018
- (PI) Eco-hydrologic data-model fusion to understand drought processes in East Asia, Korea Meteorological Institute (KMI) / Korea Meteorology Agency, 2015–2018
- (PI) Indicators for the sustainable water use, Korea Environment Institute (KEI), 2015–2015
- (Participant) Climate change adaptation for watershed management, Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2015–2020
© 2024 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea